Following Jesus Together
Being a Christian doesn’t happen on accident.
We have to be actively engaged in a life of discipleship; the goal being to become more, and more like Jesus.
We can only accomplish that goal in community.
We invite you to come, and follow Jesus with us.

It is essential to learn how to live WITH Jesus, recognizing His presence in our day to day lives. We gather to worship together on Sundays so that we can be reminded of, and become more anchored to His presence in our lives.
Christians should live lives that look LIKE Jesus. We look to His life as a template, and bring our lives in alignment to Him. Never the other way around. In order to grow in Likeness, we gather in smaller groups throughout the year. These smaller groups create a relational environment that helps us to see how we can become more like Jesus.
If we are becoming more like Jesus, then we should begin to DO what Jesus did. By serving one another, we begin to learn to give our lives away, like Jesus did. We desire to be generous with our time, talent, and treasure.
Matt Dudley
Lead Pastor